Katya Rablova

CEO & Founder
Space Refinery
Katya Rablova

Katya is a workspace interior design specialist with over 13 years of experience creating offices for Belgian, U.S., and international clients. Before founding Space Refinery in 2016, Katya studied Interior Design at the F.I.T. in New York City and worked as an interior designer for TGM Associates and Slade Architecture. Her expertise lies in developing beautiful, agile, ergonomic, and nature-inspired spaces that align with the client’s identity and culture while accommodating their evolving needs.

With a team of over 15 international workspace experts from countries such as Belgium, Portugal, Spain, France, Brazil, Indonesia, and Ukraine, Katya leads the creation of workspaces that not only increase employee engagement but also inspire connection, focus, and collaboration.

Nature-focused workspace design

At Space Refinery, we use biophilic design to breathe life into each project. Bringing nature into the workspace isn't just about the look & feel - it's a smart investment in happy and thriving teams. Using biophilic tools, we craft workplaces that promote well-being, connection, and evoke a shared sense of purpose.

Biofilisch design. Van ego-architectuur naar eco-architectuur.


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